

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Pajamas with Mama

How did our Easter go? Well, I could tell you all about how we woke up Sunday morning, ate our weekly batch of cinnamon rolls, got all dolled up in our new clothes, listened to a wonderful sermon, took the perfect Easter family portrait, and then spent the afternoon eating a delicious home cooked meal and hunting eggs with family in the beautiful sunshine... but that would be a lie.

Here's real life:

Livy went to bed Saturday night with 101.3 fever, so we knew one of us would need to stay home with her Sunday morning. Drew had to teach Sunday school and do power point for the sermon, so I stayed home. We did actually get our cinnamon rolls, but that's about the only thing that went as planned. Livy and I stayed in our pajamas all day, which was just weird. Now, I won't lie... most weekdays, if we're at home, we're in our comfy pajama pants. But pajamas all day on Easter Sunday?! Or any Sunday for that matter... it was strange. It never really felt like Easter to me. Anyway, we spent all morning in bed watching Disney Jr., then shared a frozen pizza for lunch.

Sunday night, Livy ran a super high fever and felt awful. So Monday morning, it was off to the doctor! By this time, her fever had worn off and you could hardly tell she was sick.

Who says you can't be a fashionista at the doctor's office?

She did have a nasty cough though. We were whisked over to the hospital so Livy could have a chest x-ray to check for pneumonia. I think I was more nervous than she was because I knew what was coming. I just kept picturing her being held down by a couple of nurses on a cold metal table with the x-ray machine hovering over her, all while she's screaming for me and I'm forced to stand outside the room and watch. But, it was nothing like that! All she had to do was stand up against the x-ray backdrop thingy (have no idea what that thing is called!) and the machine was several feet away from her. In fact, when the nurse told her to get ready, Livy said,
With the biggest smile on her face. I was so relieved!

Results came back a few hours later... it was not pneumonia, only bronchitis! Praise the Lord!

Our Easter weekend definitely didn't go how we thought it would, but guess what? Jesus is still alive! Hallelujah! And hopefully our Livy Lou is on the mend!


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