

Monday, May 5, 2014

Livy Lou - The Babysitter

Olivia had her first paying babysitting gig this morning. She stayed inside and "took care" of Charlotte (who was sound asleep in her bed) while I worked outside in the yard. I told her if Charlotte started to cry, just come outside and wave her arms so I could see her.

I had made a few passes around the front yard on the lawn mower when I see Livy standing on the front sidewalk, jumping up and down waving her arms, just like I had told her to. That lasted about as long as I figured it would...

I drive up to her, mower still running, and ask,

"Is Charlotte crying?"
"Well, no... I just wanted to talk to ya for a minute."
Here we go... "Ok, go ahead."
"Well... I wanted to tell ya that next time I see a lollipop tree... and I hear this noise..."
I couldn't make out everything she was saying over the mower. 
"Sounds great! Now I need to mow a little bit more, ok?"

She came outside just one more time because she needed to stand in some shade for a second, but I was able to get the front yard mowed and pulled some weeds out of the flowerbeds. The other few acres will have to wait...

Charlotte slept the entire time, and Livy Lou earned herself 4 quarters for being such a good babysitter!


  1. Your girls are precious, Megan!!! (BTW, I just remembered that I never got back to you about homeschooling. UGH!! I'll try to remember to get to that this week!)

    1. Thank you! And no worries! Like I said we're in no hurry since we've got plenty of time. I just wanted to pick your brain :)
