

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

For about the first 16 weeks of this pregnancy, I was pretty worthless. Seriously, I did a whole lot of just laying around and trying not to barf. Laundry got way behind, dishes piled up, toys were scattered all over the house, the floors didn't get vacuumed (this actually had nothing to do with me... we had to send our Dyson off the get fixed and it was gone a month!), Livy played by herself or watched TV a lot, Drew didn't get the attention he deserved, etc.

Thankfully those days are behind me and hopefully they won't come back! So the past couple weeks (since I've felt like a normal human being again), I've been trying to play catch-up. Laundry is put away, dishes are clean, toys are... well, toys are still everywhere, I vacuum some part of the house at least once a day, Livy and I have been working on her alphabet/letter sounds/rhyming words, and Drew and I spent the entire Labor Day weekend together. And half of it was kid-free! 

Friday night, we had a date night. Pappy and Annie wanted to take Livy to Chuck-E-Cheese on Saturday, so she got to spend the night with them Friday while we went on our date. I miss my girl like crazy when I'm not with her, but I'll admit it was really nice not needing to be home at a certain time. It was like Drew and I were dating again! 

We ate dinner at Copeland's, went to Target, Old Navy, Academy Sports, and then went to a late movie and watched The Butler. We didn't get home until about 1:30am! 

Then Saturday morning, we woke up early and headed to Hope for a softball tourney. I spent all day watching him play ball and just hanging out with him. It felt so refreshing to just be his wife all day without entertaining Livy. I hope that doesn't sound negative towards Livy because I certainly didn't mean it in a bad way. It was just nice to be together like old times. 
Then Sunday night after church, we went to dinner with Pappy, Annie, Uncle Glenn, Aunt Bebbie, Gran, Nana, and Auntie Laura. Livy made her way around the table campaigning her plea for why she needed to go home with Pappy and Annie. She knows how to work a crowd. She spent one more night with them and Drew and I spent the night catching up on our shows we had recorded. 

I know I say it all the time, but I don't think it's ever too much... I love Drew. Really. I can't even describe completely and accurately how I feel about him. I look at him and 11 years worth of memories fill my head. 

I still see...
--that 17 year old boy who used to drive me through Sonic after school... and who would steal a kiss every chance he got...

--that 18 year old boy that would spend hours tubing beside me at the lake... and who showed me no mercy just because I'm a girl...

--that 19 year old boy who left me roses in my car when I was the Homecoming Queen with the sweetest note that said...
--that 20 year old boy who said I was beautiful even when my skin decided it wanted to act like a pubescent 13 year old kid when I was in college. I know I looked awful, but he told me I'd never been more beautiful to him. (A lie, obviously, but a sweet lie)...

--that 21 year old man who got down on one knee on a sandy moonlit beach and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him...

--that 22 year old man who held my hand and said I do at the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to...

--that 23 year old man who would peek through our blinds with me and laugh as we watched our crazy neighbors carry out their real-life soap opera drama in their driveway... joys of living in the ghetto...

--that 24 year old man who sat in the congregation and watched me get baptized when I joined his church. That had been a long road of tears and tough decisions for us, but we made it through, and Calvary is definitely our home...
--that 25 year old man who held his daughter for the first time. His heart melted a little that day, and having Livy here makes me love him even more...
--that 26 year old man who spent 4 glorious days with me on vacation in the Virgin Islands... scuba diving, exploring, swimming, snorkeling, eating, and enjoying the island life...

--that 27 year old man who stayed by my side and cried with me as we lost our 2nd little baby that we never got to meet...

--and that 28 year old man who works so hard for us, who provides everything we need, who prays for me and our children, who loves us and doesn't hesitate to show us, whose loyalty I never doubt, and who is about to become a father for the second time...

He means the world to me, and I loved everything about this past weekend with him.


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