

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Forever Dance Recital

Well, the recital came and went. I feel like I've been talking about it for weeks (probably because I have). So I'm a little sad that it's over because I enjoyed everything about it! We had so much fun getting ready. She got to wear lots of make-up and glitter in her hair... she loved it all! Her daddy wasn't so much a fan of all the make-up, but I explained it was all for the stage. And men just don't understand how much fun make-up is to a girl! :)


When the recital was about to start, I had to leave her backstage when she was lining up for her dance. I knelt down and told her that I had to leave, but I was going to go sit in the audience to watch her. I'm not gonna lie... I sort of wanted her to be sad that I was leaving her, but she just said,
with a huge smile on her face and ran off with her friends. Then, to start off the show, Tara played a slide show of pictures throughout this dance year, and of course there was music to go with it all about how little girls grow up too fast. It was killing me! I fought back tears the whole time! Especially when pictures of my sweet girl were up on the screen, like this one:

Finally, it was the moment we had all been waiting for! It was her time to shine! And she did just that.

Immediately after she danced, I rushed backstage to get her changed for the finale. I got her dressed in her Forever Dance t-shirt, and then she got to come sit in the audience with us and watch the rest of the dancers. She loved it. She sat in her Pappy's lap and tried to do every move she saw the other dancers make. I asked her if she was ready for the finale, and she said,
"Yes! I not gonna shake my hiney, I gonna shake my bunny tail!"
The girl loves shaking her "bunny tail!"


Then right before the last few dances, I dropped her off backstage again to get lined up for the finale. Tara brought all the dancers out at the same time and let them do the Cha-Cha Slide. That was pretty funny! She tried to keep up with all the big girls!

We were so proud of her! She did such a great job, especially for only being 2 years old. Can't wait for next year... who knows, we may even add a tap class! :)



**I'll post the videos in a different post. I couldn't quite figure out how to add them to this one because they were too long. I'm still learning this whole blogging stuff! :)

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