

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Charlotte - One Month Old

Charlotte is ONE month old! I'm not sure how this happened, I never told her it was OK to grow up... but it happened anyway. And technically, I was robbed a few days. Since February doesn't have 31 days, she was a month old a few days earlier than she would've been in any other month.

Before I had her, I always wondered how in the world I would love another baby as much as I love Olivia. I never doubted that I would - I knew God would take care of that part - it was just hard to believe that my heart could hold so much love. And guess what? As soon as she was out, it was instant. Probably even more so with her than with Olivia. I think just because I knew what it was like to be a mom.

With Livy, I had never been a mom before so everything was new. When Livy was born it was so hard to believe that she was really mine. That just came out of me?! That's who's been in there this whole time? Haha! It's not that I didn't instantly love her, because I sure did! I just couldn't get over I actually had a baby. Maybe that sounds weird, and maybe I'm the only woman to ever feel that way, but that's the truth!

When Charlotte was born, I knew what to expect, and it was just instant love and joy! And it never even crossed my mind whether or not I loved her like I love Olivia. It just happens naturally. I am so incredibly blessed to have my two girls, and if the Lord sees fit to gives us more, then I say the more the merrier!

Just look at my sweet baby girl...


She is so precious, and still a very laid-back baby. We've had some fussy times, usually in the evenings (Drew thinks it's because he's home. Ha!) But over overall, she is very easy to please. She's not doing too much yet. She'll grin every once in a while, usually when her sister is talking to her. She loves to snuggle. If she's fussing, I put her on my chest, and she snuggles up under my neck and is perfectly content.

As much as I want her to stay a baby, I am looking forward to the fun times ahead! The smiling, the cooing, the laughing, the crawling, the walking... it'll be fun to watch her grow!

Does Charlotte remind you of anyone?!

Olivia & Charlotte

1 comment:

  1. Wow! They look a lot alike. What do y'all think? Adorable.
