

Monday, March 31, 2014

Being Needed

There are some nights that I crawl into bed and think where in the world did the time go today? Sometimes it feels like all I do is hop from one person who needs me to the next, trying my best to keep everyone satisfied.

I found this little gem on Pinterest, and oh, how true it is! 

Take Saturday night for example. After being at a softball tournament all day, we got home and--
Charlotte needed to nurse. 
We all needed to eat supper which meant I needed to cook it. 
While trying to cook, Charlotte got upset and needed her mama. 
She also needed me the entire time I tried to eat my supper. 
Then the kitchen needed to be cleaned. 
Drew needed me to cut his hair. 
In the middle of cutting his hair, Charlotte needed her paci, Livy needed the bathroom light turned on, and then she needed more toilet paper. 
Zoe needed more dog food. 
Both girls needed a bath. 

Needless to say, I needed to lie down after all that! --See what I did there? 

I'm not saying I do this all on my own. Drew helps me tremendously when he's home. He probably doesn't even realize how much help he truly is. But there are just some things that kids need their mamas for, apparently. I guess you could say that if Dad is the head of the family, that would make Mom the heart. Dad leads the way while Mom keeps everything flowing. 

This Mom is the nurturer, the chef, the boo-boo fixer, the dish washer, the snot wiper, the art teacher, the patty-caker, the maid, the laundry folder, the diaper changer, the chauffeur, the bubble blower, the hair stylist, the milk cow (Ha!), the pharmacist, the teeth brusher, the peek-a-booer, the grocery shopper, the toenail painter, and the list goes on... 

It would be really easy to complain. But they need me. Nobody else, just me. My husband needs me and my daughters need me. All for completely different reasons, mind you, and usually at the exact same time. Whenever it starts to feel overwhelming, I try to think of what the alternative would be.

Charlotte needs me to feed her again. Would I rather those days be passed? When those special bonding moments that only she and I share are gone? No, of course not!

Olivia needs me to break off a piece of tape for the 48th time this morning so she can hang up her latest masterpiece on my bedroom wall. Would I rather her not have the ability to draw all of those marvelous creations? Or just not be interested in art, period? No way!

Drew needs to go on yet another overnight business trip leaving me by myself with the girls without a break. Would I rather he have a different job? Perhaps one that didn't allow me the freedom of staying home with my girls? Absolutely not!

Sure, the examples I just gave can be quite demanding... But being needed is not all tiresome. Sometimes Olivia needs me to muggle with her while we watch Little Einsteins and share a milkshake. Sometimes Charlotte just needs her mama to hold her while she sleeps. And sometimes Drew needs a romantic night out with his wife, reminding me that I was his wife before I became their mom.

It's wonderful to be needed. 


But, oh, so wonderful. 

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