

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

5 Week Check-Up

Charlotte finally got to go to the doctor today for her check-up! She went when she was one week old, but because of it being flu season, her doctor didn't want to keep us in the office too long. They only weighed and measured her, and we were supposed to go back the following week for a 2 week check-up.

That week, her doctor ended up with a stress fracture and a cast on her right foot and couldn't work for about a month! I talked to her, and she said as long as Charlotte wasn't having any problems, it would be fine for us to wait on her to come back to work. So that's what we've been doing... waiting. And we finally got to go today!

The nurses loved her, and how could you not?! She was happy during the whole appointment! She's 2 days shy of being 6 weeks old, weighs 12 lbs 6.5 oz and is 22 inches long. Her doctor said she is in the 97th percentile for height, and off the charts for her weight... OFF THE CHARTS!! Ha! I'm pretty sure I could have predicted that one during labor! Bless her, I don't think the chart was even in sight for Charlotte. She was born off the charts!

All jokes aside, she is healthy and growing perfectly, and I am so thankful! There are so many people caring for their sick children... We are blessed to have our girls!

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