

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

39 Week Check-Up

39 weeks
Heartbeat: 140
+1 lbs

We went to our last prenatal appointment this morning. Starting Monday morning, I could tell something was different. I felt different. I didn't know exactly what it was, but I knew I must be making some sort of progress. I woke up Tuesday morning with an achy stomach. I'm not sure how to describe it other than my whole stomach just ached, and I almost felt nauseous at times. That was new, so I was hoping it meant labor was coming!

Drew decided to work from home this morning so he could drive me to our appointment, and I was so relieved! I was a little nervous about having to make the trip by myself. We packed our hospital bags just in case, dropped Livy off with Annie, and headed to the doctor's office.

We waited for an hour in the waiting room. The suspense was killing me! I couldn't wait to hear what the doctor had to say! I described everything I had been feeling, and she assured me it all sounded like I was headed in the direction of labor. She checked me and said I am 2cm dilated, 60-70% effaced, and baby was nice and low! Then she said, "Do you want to wait this out or are you ready to make a move?"

Uhh... let's move. No doubt!

So she told us to go eat a big lunch, then a light supper, and be at the hospital tonight at 7pm. She would start me on Cytotec to pick up my contractions, maybe take another Cytotec around 2am, and depending on how well I reacted to that, possibly start Pitocin first thing in the morning. This wasn't a new plan for me... it was exactly what I did when I had Liv.

We were so excited! We texted everyone the good news while we enjoyed our "big lunch." And of course, all we talked about was the baby. Boy or girl? Would the baby look like Livy? We couldn't wait to see Livy hold the baby!

Drew had some things he needed to get done at work, so we pretended it was Take Your Wife to Work With You day, and I hung out with him in his office.

We hadn't been there long when I got a call from Dr. Watson's office... it was her nurse, Michelle. She said due to some new hospital policy, they would have to move my induction date from tonight to tomorrow night. Apparently, the hospital can only have 3 scheduled inductions at one time in order to leave room for any women in labor that happen to walk in. They already had 3 scheduled and I made #4, so I got the boot. Michelle apologized over and over for the confusion. I was so bummed! I know it's just a 24 hour difference, one day, but she might as well have said come back next week!

Soo... we have the same plan, it has just shifted back one day. Instead of going in on Wednesday night, we go Thursday night. The wait really hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. My sweet friend, Kelly, took me to get a pedicure tonight. It was so relaxing, and I'm sure the nurses will be very appreciative that they won't have to look at my rough cinder block feet now! Ha! The wait also meant we got to spend one more night as a family of 3. Livy curled up on the couch with me about 8:30pm and fell asleep. That rarely happens! And it was just what I needed... extra muggle time with my best girl.

I'm also hoping I might progress a little more on my own tomorrow, getting me a little bit closer to that epidural! I'm a little nervous about labor, because I know what's coming. But I'm also hoping it'll go quickly! I'm just so excited and ready to see who this is that I've been carrying with me for 9 months.

Hopefully next time I post, it'll be a birth announcement!

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