

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

36 Week Check-Up

36 weeks
Heartbeat:??? <----- She didn't say, and I forgot to ask!
-1 lb <----- Woo hoo!!!

I went into this appointment ready to see if I was dilated at all, and possibly ready to go register at the hospital. I thought I started all those things at 36 weeks with Liv... but we did neither today. I was a little disappointed. I think it was just because the office was so busy this morning! 

She had a little trouble finding the heartbeat, which is why I don't know what the heart rate was this time. However, I wasn't concerned. Drew asked if that scared me when she couldn't find it... not at all. This baby is constantly moving so I knew there was no reason to worry. Dr. Watson said it was just tough to hear because of the way the baby was laying. The baby is still in the head down position though, praise the Lord!

I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions lately. Sometimes I'll have up to 4 or 5 in an hour, and sometimes they're very spread out. They're not painful but they certainly aren't unnoticeable. Sometimes I have to stop and just close my eyes for a little while. It gives me a little hope for going into labor on my own... Oh, I dream of the day! Ha!

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