

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

37 Week Check-Up

37 weeks
+0 lbs

I'm getting really bad at forgetting to ask what the heart rate is. I kept giggling while she was trying to listen because my belly was jumping all over the place. The heart beat was much easier to find this time though! My blood pressure was a little high today, but I'm pretty sure that's normal towards the end of pregnancy... right?! I didn't gain any weight this week though! Which means so far I've gained 22 pounds. Not too shabby. 

I told Drew that in my mind after Dr. Watson checked me today, she would say Oh my! You're already 4cm dilated... just head on over to the hospital and get your epidural. We'll have us a baby today! And that was pretty much how it happened... except for it wasn't at all how it happened. Ha! She said I'm not quite a 1cm; however, my cervix is softened. Basically, just keep cooking, Baby Baker! 

I've reached the point in the pregnancy where I'm just over it. Not a complaining/griping over it sort of way, just over it because I'm so ready to meet this little one! It's consuming my mind, and it's all I can think about! Boy or girl... girl or boy! And I know, I know... I did this to myself by not finding out! But it'll be so exciting on delivery day! 

Livy's bag is packed and ready to stay with Pappy and Annie whenever the time comes. She's got her BIG SIS shirt ready to wear! My bag and baby's bag are a different story. I should probably get on that, just in case! We cleaned out the truck today and have it ready to install the car seat. Livy is so excited that the baby gets to ride right beside her. 

I've been trying to do some extra cleaning around the house and keep it picked up in case we have to leave at a moment's notice... but normally I start cleaning and I'm all gung-ho, then 10 minutes later I'm exhausted. So I go sit down to rest and all I can think about is baby. lol Yea, I'm pretty useless these days. We really are down to a waiting game. 

I go back for another appointment next Thursday. Maybe we'll get some good news!

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