

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Mommy Daughter Day

On Friday morning, we dropped Charlotte off with Pappy and Annie (and Livy bawled her eyes out because "she was gonna miss Charlotte so much!") then Livy and I headed off to Texarkana. 

She had an appointment with an ENT doctor. She keeps getting strep throat about every 2-3 months... 5 times in less than a year and a half. So her doctor wanted an ENT doctor to check her out and see if a tonsillectomy was necessary. 

He said she was borderline on "needing" the surgery so he wants to give her a little more time. If she keeps getting strep every few months then he said he would recommend doing the surgery. But if she goes several months without getting it, then he said it probably isn't necessary yet. 

That was a relief to me. I'm all for it IF it's absolutely what she needs but I certainly don't want to put her (or Drew and I) through that unless we have to. The thought of her being wheeled down the hall on a hospital bed to be put under anesthesia and have her tonsils removed is almost more than I can handle. I can't think about it!

After her appointment I let her choose where to eat lunch. She wanted cheese dip so we went to Chili's. We shared some queso and a chocolate cake with ice cream. 

Then we did lots of shopping! I had some Christmas cash and gift cards that were begging to be spent. Who am I to say no? :) Livy was an excellent shopping buddy. It's not often I get to shop without Charlotte so normally I'm in a rush... Get in, get what I need, and get out. But yesterday we took our time, tried clothes on, and spent all our quarters on bouncy balls and horsey rides. 

The whole day Livy worried about Charlotte. 

"I miss Charlotte."
"I wonder what Charlotte is doing right now?"
"I wish I could play with Charlotte."

I thought it was so sweet how she missed her little sister. Between stores I let her call to check on Charlotte and as soon as Pappy answered the phone Livy asked,

"Is Charlotte having fun over there?"

And of course she was. She was at the fun house, after all. 

I had such a fun day with my big girl... And it was pretty nice coming home to my little girl too! 

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