

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Photo Dump

Here are some pictures from the past couple weeks. We haven't done just a whole lot around here, so there's not many stories to tell but I did want to share the pictures!

Twinkies for Charlotte's baby shower.

Ready for AWANA.
Just hanging out, watching TV.

I live with a bunch of monkeys! Drew, Livy, and Charlotte can all curl their toes up like this! ...maybe I'm the weird one?

New stroller for these girls! I can't wait for the weather to warm up!

Name that baby! 

 Bath time! She was too excited... can't ya tell??

Big sister sure does love little sister!

The many faces of Miss Charlotte!

Now this just melts my heart. Nothing like some good morning muggles.

We had thousands of birds in our yard yesterday... it was the strangest thing!
And who can forget the make-up queen? I think she's getting better at it. What do you think? No? Oh...

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