

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lizard in the House!!!

A few weeks ago, Livy's friends Oakley and Andee were coming over to play around lunchtime. So to kill time, we had been outside playing with the cats and drawing with chalk. It felt so good outside, we just wanted to enjoy the cooler weather. The front door had accidentally been left open while we were outside. Oops!

She dressed herself up for the play date.

We came in to make sure the living room was picked up before they got here, and I just happened to notice a LIZARD in the window sill. I may or may not have done a little that thing gives me the heeby jeebies dance right before I called Drew. It went a little something like this...

"Drew. There is a lizard inside our house!"
"Well, get it out."
"Seriously? How in the world am I gonna do that?"
"Just trap it until I get home."
"I can't trap it. It's way too fast. It'll run at me as soon as I try. What am I gonna do??"
"I don't know, Meg. What do you want me to do? Come home from Crossett to get a lizard?"
*Umm, yes... that would be nice!*
"Eewwwww! It's so gross! I can't just ignore it. Then it could be anywhere in the house and I'll never know where it went! Kelly's on her way over. Maybe she can help me think of something?"
"Tell Kelly to bring her hair cutting scissors to kill it!"

So Kelly gets here with the kids and I immediately run out to her car and tell her we've got a situation on our hands. Bless her heart, she didn't know she was coming over to work! With the kids playing in the living room, we didn't want to spray anything poisonous, so she suggested using hair spray-- leave it to a hair stylist!

So I ran and got some hair spray while she kept an eye on the lizard. Thankfully, she was the brave one because I just can't handle things like that! She sprayed that lizard until it quit moving, and we were eventually able to trap it, and there it stayed until Drew got home that evening.



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