

Friday, December 27, 2013

33 Week Check-Up

33 weeks
Heartbeat: 160
+??? lbs 

Going into this appointment, we knew the baby had been hanging out in there completely sideways. So when Dr. Watson asked if we had any questions or concerns, I brought up the possibility of a C-section if the baby never turns. She said we wouldn't necessarily have to have a C-section. At 37 weeks, she would do an ultrasound to determine the position of the baby, placenta, cord, and all that good stuff. If everything looked fine, she would admit me to the hospital, hook me up to monitors, give me medication to relax my uterus, and physically turn the baby into a head down position. Then she would go ahead and induce me to avoid the risk of the baby moving back into a sideways position. 

All of that to say... the entire time she was telling me this, I just kept thinking 37 WEEKS??? That's only 3.5 weeks away and our baby only has 4 outfits! We're nowhere near ready for this!

Then she had me lie down so she could measure me. The first words out of her mouth were, "Well, there's the head right there. This baby is head down!"


Of course, the baby could move again but as for now it's in the correct position. 

I'm a little late updating this post, so now I'm technically 34, almost 35 weeks. We go back to the doctor on January 8th. Time is really flying by! There are days when I can't wait to meet this baby, and then there are days when I just want Olivia to be an only child a little longer. I hope that doesn't sound too terrible. I think every mom has those thoughts. I just know our world is about to change. Right now, we have a great routine going... Livy is sleeping all night, it's so easy to load her up and go anywhere, and she is terrific in public. We're about to enter back into the land of long nights, crying, diaper bags, pacifiers, spit up, poopy diapers, and finding private places to breastfeed in public (and I mean super private!)

But I'm so excited for it all! Olivia is going to be such a great help to me and I can't wait to love on another baby. Bring it on, February!

1 comment:

  1. wow it is flying by!! I have MAYBE 9 weeks til Rhett is here and I"m sooo terrified and super anxious! I have the same feelings about wanting shelby to stay an only child a little longer and how easy it is to just "blow and go" as we call it but then i'm ready for all the baby snuggles and stuff and seeing how she will be so amazing w/ him. so bitter sweet :)
