

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sea Bands

Let me start off by saying how excited I am to be pregnant again. Everything about my pregnancy with Liv was wonderful (except for the occasional gagging during my morning showers). But seriously, I'm pretty sure I had an easy pregnancy with her. I basically felt great throughout the whole 9 months. We even joked the night I was going in to be induced, I still felt like I could walk a marathon and be completely fine.

August 4, 2010

So I sort of figured all of my pregnancies would be the same way...


This one has been drastically different. I had some very strong symptoms before I even knew I was pregnant, and I found out really early... At 3.5 weeks! I should've known right away!

So let's discuss this whole "morning" sickness thing... Big fat lie! Some people say it strikes them at different times, but mine doesn't strike. It just never goes away. Thankfully, I just felt like I was going to be sick all the time, and I wasn't one of those who actually had to run to the toilet around the clock...

Until last weekend. I finally hit the 2nd trimester, the "safe zone", so I thought surely I'll begin to feel better, but it just got worse. On Saturday, literally all I did was sleep and throw up. I was miserable and not much better on Sunday. Then Monday came and I still felt terrible! 

I thought to myself, We have waited so long for this, and now I'm so sick I can't even enjoy it! What if it doesn't go away? What if I'm this sick until February? Poor Livy, she doesn't even understand why Mommy hasn't felt like playing with her in days! I'll just say its really difficult to be thankful for your own misery... even when you know how sweet and precious the instigator is! Ha!

By Monday evening I was willing to try anything! I had heard of Sea Bands from Michelle Duggar, of all people!? But I thought surely after 19 kids, those things must work so I went on the hunt! Our Walmart doesn't sell them, Walgreens does but they were out. Drew was sweet enough to bring some home from the El Dorado Walgreens. I put them on right away and I could immediately tell a difference. 

I wasn't sure if they were actually working or if it was all in my head. But I'm on day #3 now and I feel so much better! Don't get me wrong, there's still times when I don't feel exactly wonderful but that's to be expected. These bands have made my pregnancy so much more enjoyable.

They're not the most fashionable. I sort of feel like I'm geared up for my next game in the WNBA. But as long as I can go all day without getting sick, I'll wear them 'til the cows come home... Or until the baby comes. I'm sure we'll have the baby before we have any cows. :)



  1. I had no idea you bloged!! I joined your blog! :) OMG i'm in the same boat w/ this 2nd baby nausea business! it's SOOO NOT LIKE it was w/ shelby.... i cannot function! the b6/unisom combo does help but i can tell when it goes away and right before it's time for bed i can tell i need my full dose because i feel like crap!!!!! these little babies are gonna be ring tailed tooters! But they're worth it! :) i'm due March 9th when are you due?? my bday is Feb. 9th so that would be a good day for u! :) My momma was due w/ me on my due date w/ this one (3/9) but i was born Feb. 9th because of complications... love ya...gonna get me some sea bands!!!

    1. Thanks Bekah! I'm due February 3rd. They're definitely worth a try!
