

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Snack Pack

This afternoon, Duke started getting fussy and I figured it was because he was hungry. I picked him up and we headed into the kitchen to find him a snack. I opened the fridge and saw one of his favorites... the snack pack. He loves that chocolate pudding! We got the pudding and a spoon and went to the living room to sit in the recliner to feed him. 

I usually put him in his high chair when he eats, but lately he climbs out of it almost immediately and I didn't have the fight in me, so we just skipped it altogether. 

He was so excited about his snack. He had his little fingers gripped around the spoon handle, hitting the top of the snack pack, begging me to open it up as he grunted his hungry "mmmm" noises. He was ready! 

I fed him the first few bites and he sat there so still, eager to take in every bit of it. But then eventually he started getting distracted and wanted to climb around the chair. Since I was holding the chocolate pudding, I made him sit back down, so he wouldn't spill it. He wasn't a fan of that so then he got fussy again. I'd shove another bite in his mouth and he gladly ate it, but he did not want to sit still. He had other things on his mind. 

Snack time ended when I tried to feed him another bite and he hit the spoon, sending the chocolate pudding flying through the air to land on my white rug. Then I was done.

I thought what are you doing kid? I'm giving you your favorite snack?! Spoon feeding it to you, actually... you aren't having to do any work, but you're just making a mess! What is your deal?

And then I thought wow, is this how God sees me?

There are times when God has given me exactly what I've asked for and I love it at first. Oh, how I love it. I'm so excited about it, can't believe I have it, it's mine, etc... and then maybe the new starts to wear off, and I get distracted. Maybe something else catches my eye. I still want what I had, but I'm not content with only that anymore. I want more. I get greedy, things become complicated, and before you know it, I've made a mess of things.

Don't you know God probably wants to ask those same questions to me? What are you doing, Meg? I've given you what you asked for?! Handed it to you, actually... you didn't even have to work for it, but you've just made a mess! What is your deal?

Oops. Guilty.

Isn't it funny how much our children can teach us about our own transgressions? Just when we think their behavior has exhausted us to our core, we realize we are no better. We do the exact same things to God. 

Boy, am I in an exhausting season of life. I've always wanted a big family, and I'm so incredibly thankful for our 4 children, but I'm here to say it is not for the faint of heart. Motherhood is hard. Most days by the time my head hits the pillow, I am drained! But God is using these tiresome little tots to mold me. 

I am learning more and more just how merciful our God is. I'm reminded every day that because He shows me mercy, I am to show mercy too. He forgives me of my messes, just like I'll forgive the chocolate pudding messes. 

After all, who could resist this chocolate covered face?


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