

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Livy Had A Little Lamb

Yesterday we spent the day in Hot Springs at a softball tournament. It was pretty hot all day, but the girls were so good! After Drew's 4 o'clock game, I loaded the girls in the truck and we headed out to do a little shopping. I needed to get a few things, but mostly we were just trying to stay in some air conditioning.

We parked at Hobby Lobby, and as I was getting Livy out she insisted on bringing a little toy sheep with her. It came with a tiny Lalaloopsy doll set, and I mean, it is tiny. It's about the size of a dime.

"That's fine, you can bring it but you have to keep up with it. If you lose it, we won't get it back."
"Ok, I'll take good care of it!"

She did a pretty good job and only dropped it out of the buggy once. We were done shopping when she said,
"Mom, I really need to go poop right now!"

So we turned around and headed towards the bathroom. Sure enough, she did need to poop. When she was done she asked if I would help her pull her shorts up, so as I reached down for her shorts, my hand accidentally hit hers sending the sheep plunging right down into the toilet.

The toilet that hadn't been flushed yet.

The toilet that still had poop in it.

A very public toilet, I might add.


So. There we were. I'm pretty sure time stood still for several minutes. Or maybe it was just a couple of seconds, I'm not entirely sure. But the way I saw it, I had 2 options:

1. Just flush it. Like I said, it was tiny so it would go down no problem. After all, we were in a nasty public restroom.
2. Get it out. I knew there would be lots of tears involved if I didn't get it for her, and after I made such a big deal about keeping up with it, technically it was my fault. If I hadn't knocked her hand we wouldn't be in such a predicament.

So I did what any good mother would do. I went in. I stuck my hand into a public poopy potty for a dumb little plastic sheep. Livy shouted cheers of joy as I scrubbed my hands with as much soap as I could get my hands on.

We paid for our stuff and got out of there as quickly as possible. As we were driving back to the fields, I asked,

"Liv, you still have your sheep?"
"What do you mean? Where's your sheep?"
"I think I left it in Hobby Lobby. I'm sorry."

So there ya have it. My sacrifice was all in vain, and I'm still not over it.

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