

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Blossom Festival 2014

I kicked off this years Blossom Festival by walking the 5K with my gal pals. I'm pretty sure the best part was sporting our hilarious shirts... "5K Mommy - 3.1 miles of peace and quiet!" Ha! Love it.

In the meantime, Drew was at home getting the girls dressed and ready, and they were waiting for me when I crossed the finish line. Then it was Livy's turn to run!

I signed Livy up for the 1 mile Fun Run thinking she'd probably start the race, run a little, and then turn around and cross the finish line. So what if she didn't run the whole mile... she would still have fun and get a medal! But shame on me for not having more faith in my child.

The girl ran the entire mile!

She talked the whole time, cheered on her friends, and even picked a couple of flowers along the way. I kept asking her if she was getting tired and needed to walk a little bit. She'd stop running, take a couple of steps, and then say, "Ok, let's run!" 

Towards the end of the race I was really trying to pump her up...

"You are doing so good, Livy! I can't believe it! Daddy is gonna be so proud of you! You're going so fast I can hardly keep up! Look! We're almost to the finish line!!!"
"I know! I'm gonna be so proud of Walker if he wins!"

Sweet little thing. Always concerned about the people around her. The lack of competitiveness bothers her daddy but I just think it's sweet!

She crossed the finish line at 17 minutes. Literally the last one (the police car was bringing up the rear directly behind her). But I was SO incredibly proud of her! Three years old and she ran a mile by herself! One of the ladies in charge of the race told us she didn't have to run the whole thing, but I wanted her to have that satisfaction of knowing she did what all the other kids did. She earned that medal!

Then it was off to dance! Her tap class danced their Cuddly Duck dance in front of the stage.

Then after dancing, we had to rush to the parade line to ride with our steak cooking team. We spent the rest of the day with them hanging out and cooking for the judges while Drew was back and forth between there and the softball tournament. We had a great day with great friends!

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