

Monday, April 7, 2014

AWANA Grand Prix

Last night was the AWANA Grand Prix. It was the first year that Livy's been old enough to participate, and she was so excited! A few weeks ago, she picked out which car she wanted, and we brought it home last Wednesday after AWANA. Thursday morning I took her to Walmart and let her pick out everything she needed to decorate it. The note that was sent home about the races really emphasized letting the kids do most of the work, so that's what I did! (And believe me when I say, that was really hard to do!)

She picked out glow in the dark pink paint, glittery purple paint, and blue paint for Dad. She also picked out glitter in those same colors and some beautiful, gaudy jewels. As soon as we got home she went right to work on her car. She painted and added the jewels all by herself and I helped her with the glue and glitter. She finally finished Friday night and we sent this picture to Dad who was at an overnight Youth Conference with our teens from church...

I didn't want her to be upset if her car didn't win, so I made the comment several times that "Even if you don't win, it'll still be fun to race your car and cheer for your friends." When it was her turn, she placed her car on the track all by herself, and both times she raced, her car got 2nd! She was so happy!

Little sister slept the whole time! 

We sat through the award ceremony... they gave away 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies for Design and Speed in each age group. Livy got nothing! Did those judges see all of those bedazzled jewels?? Come on! It didn't seem to bother her though. I think Drew and I were more sad for her than she was. She didn't say a word about it until we were on our way home. 

"But why didn't I get a trophy?"

My heart hurt! I know it's silly, and I always make fun of those parents who want their kids to get an award for everything... but now I totally understand!!! I told Drew I had half a mind to drive her to The Dollar Tree and pick her up a ribbon! Ha! Just kidding... I know she has to learn that everybody can't win, but it sure is a hard lesson to learn when those big blue teary eyes are asking you why her car wasn't good enough after she worked so hard on it by herself! We just kept telling her how PROUD we were of her, and she got over it before we even made it home.  

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