

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

22 Week Check-Up

22 weeks
Heartbeat: 150
+5 lbs

I gained some weight this week, and the good news is I just now passed my pre-pregnancy weight. So overall I've only gained 4 lbs! Woo hoo! 

The baby's heart rate is steadily dropping... From 163, to 153, to 150... Makes me wonder if it may be a boy? I know they say there's no correlation between heart rate and determining the gender, but it seems like all my friends who have had boys usually have lower heart rates. Guess we'll wait and see! 

I'm still feeling pretty good. Baby is moving around pretty often. I had a good scare the other night though. I'm so used to feeling the baby move all throughout the day, so when Sunday night rolled around and I hadn't felt anything all day, I started to worry. I laid down flat, got really still, and waited for some movements but never felt anything. I had been super busy all day so I figured I just hadn't been still enough to feel anything. I knew everything was probably fine, but once you start thinking there could be something wrong, it's hard to shake those thoughts. When I got in bed that night, I just prayed for everything to be ok. During my prayer, I felt the slightest kick! I was so relieved. And ever since, the movements have been constant. Maybe the baby was just extra sleepy that day and needed a little more rest. 

Next time I go to my appointment, I'll be 27 weeks and I get to drink the juice for the glucose test. Hard to believe in less than a month I'll be in the 3rd trimester! I really need to get started on the nursery. So far I have the fabric for the bedding, and... That's about it. 

I can't wait to see that precious baby!

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