

Monday, September 16, 2013

Halfway There!

I am 20 weeks pregnant! And although I haven't gained any weight yet (I swear I'm not lying!) I look like I'm about to pop! Or at least I think I look that way. Somehow I'm still 3 pounds under my starting weight. I guess I can thank 16 weeks of being sick for that!? 
I can't believe I'm halfway there! I was telling my cousin the other day that the weeks are actually seeming to fly. It feels like it takes no time at all to check off another week that's gone by... but there's just so many weeks! That's ok though, I'm enjoying my time being pregnant.
Not knowing the gender of our baby hasn't really bothered me. Not totally anyway. I'll admit, it would be nice to call "it" by he or she. Like when the baby's rolling around, I could say, "Here she goes again... or... he sure is active today!" But I just keep picturing the moment when the baby is born and that anticipation of "What is it? What is it? A boy or a girl?!?!" That's what I'm holding out for. All my friends think I'm crazy and that's fine with me! Ha! Also, our baby will be rockin' some yellow and/or green footed pajamas because it seems that the world is convinced those are the only "gender neutral" colors.
I keep thinking about that little face and what he/she will look like! Is it Cameron Elliott in there? Or is it Charlotte Emily? Secretly, even if it's a boy, I sort of want to name him Charlotte just because I LOVE that name so much! I'd never really do that to my son... but I do love the name Charlotte. I guess it's just easier to picture myself with another girl because I've been down that road before. A boy is unchartered territory for me, which is a little scary.
I'm hoping cooler weather and all the holidays around the corner will help the time pass by even quicker. Just 20 weeks left... Can't wait to see our baby!


  1. beautiful momma!!! I've not gained a thing either! I've actually lost close to 15 lbs since i found out i was pregnant july 2!!

    1. Isn't it crazy how we're obviously growing bigger, but not gaining weight? I'm not complaining tho! Less to lose after the baby! :)
