

Monday, July 22, 2013

No More Shrimp!!!

Wednesday, July 10th, was a girls' day at the lake. Gran had come up to stay a few nights with Livy and I in our camper, and Annie had a couple ladies come stay with her too. The thunder and lightning had kept us from swimming that afternoon, so we spent the day in the camper playing cards, laughing, and watching Livy dance.

That night we went to Fisherman's Wharf for supper. I ordered popcorn shrimp and shared my plate with Livy. She ate almost everything I gave her. She was hungry that night and the food was so good! Before we even left the restaurant, she had started itching but I figured it was just dry skin from being in the sun or maybe it was from having a couple days worth of sunscreen on. Either way, I didn't think much about it.

Then on our way home she started complaining that her stomach hurt. We got caught in a downpour with thunder and lightning, and it took us almost an hour to get back to the campsites. About 11pm, she vomited. Then I started getting a little worried because the only other time she had eaten shrimp was at the beach and she got sick then too! At the time, I had just thought it was the combination of greasy food and too much sun. But what are the odds of her throwing up both times she's eaten shrimp??

She vomited 2 more times and by about 2am, Gran and I were considering going back into town to get her some medicine. I had looked up allergic reaction symptoms on my phone, and Livy had several in common. I wasn't too concerned until I started listening to the way she was talking. She just didn't sound like herself... like she had cotton in her mouth or something? So when I peeked at her throat with a flashlight, I panicked a little. It was super swollen. After calling Drew (who was still at home and really hating that he was so far away while she was sick) and talking it over with Gran, we all decided we'd rather be safe than sorry, so we took her to the ER.

We were the only people there, so they took us back right away. The doctor said she did have an allergic reaction and that the reactions will continue to get worse. No more shrimp or shellfish. They gave her some medicine and some steroids and sent us on our way. Livy was a doll! She was the perfect little patient!

We got back to our camper at 4:30am, I slept a total of 2 hours, then got up and drove 3 hours to my prenatal appointment with Dr. Watson in El Dorado. Looking back, I'm not sure how I made it?! I probably should've called them and asked to reschedule due to the circumstances, but I had waited for that appointment for so long, I wasn't going to let anything stop me! We had also been waiting on that appointment so that we could finally share the good news with everyone!

As soon as Dr. Watson placed the Doppler on my stomach, we heard the sweet little ...thump, thump, thump... of our baby. Drew says it sounds like a car going down the interstate. Haha!

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