Once upon a time in a not so very far away kingdom lived a beautiful young maiden who possessed the powers to make her Daddy do whatever she wanted. He was weak to her powers and crumbled every time she batted her eyes at him. This is their story...
A few days ago, Olivia and I had this conversation...
"Mom, can I marry Daddy?"
"No, Daddy is married to me."
"But who can I marry?"
"Well, how about you ask your Daddy when he gets home."
So that night she popped the question.
"Daddy, will you marry me when I get older?"
"I'm married to your Mama."
"I know, but there's no one left to marry me!"
"Ok, I'll marry you."
"Yaaay! If other boys ask to marry me I'll always say no because I'm already married to you, Daddy."
"That's what I like to hear... always tell the boys no."
Fast forward to this morning when she was playing dress-up... she came in the office and announced that she was marrying Daddy in one hour. Good thing she doesn't have a grasp on time yet. Drew called and told her that he could marry her when he got home from work.
As soon as he got home, he changed clothes and left to go fishing with a buddy and we were headed out the door to Livy's dance class, but you better believe she didn't forget about it! She called him as soon as dance was over and reminded him about his promise.
So tonight when he got home from fishing, she got dressed and picked out his wedding attire... it had to match hers, of course. She also informed him that he needed to put stuff in his pockets to make them look bigger. She handed him a small squishy football and a dog toy and he gladly did as he was told. Then we made the long trek to the living room and had a beautiful wedding. Ha!
I took a few pictures and Drew said,
"Ok, Liv. Are we married now? Is that it?"
"No, silly!"
"Well, what else do we have to do?"
"We have to dance!"
So they danced and spun and dipped and danced some more.
"We danced, so are we married now? Is it over yet?"
"No, Daddy. This is a deer shootin' wedding."
"Oh, I like that. We have to shoot a deer?"
"Yea, you hold these flowers and pretend it's the shooter and shoot that deer up on the wall."
They each took part in the traditional holy-matrimony deer shootin' ceremony.
"We shot the deer, so are we married now?"
"Not yet. We have to make a heart like this..."
now are we married?"
"Yea, we're all married. Now you get to play dollhouse with me. That's what people do after they're married. They play together."
Of course you can't have a wedding without witnesses.
...or a dog.
The beautiful bride finally got to marry her Daddy... and they lived happily ever after.